Our School Spotlight series showcases what makes our global community so special, shining a light on the individual strengths of our exceptional learning environments and understanding the benefits of being part of our wider community. June’s Spotlight falls on the outstanding St Andrews International School, Green Valley in Thailand. 

St. Andrews International School, Green Valley, Thailand, is renowned for its commitment to nurturing eco-literate students who are dedicated to creating a sustainable future. With a focus on cultivating a growth mindset and imparting essential values, skills, and qualifications, the school empowers its students to lead lives that are adventurous, brilliant, and happy.

The school community at St. Andrews International School, Green Valley, thrives on diversity and inclusivity. With students from various cultural backgrounds, the school embraces a multicultural environment that fosters a rich and dynamic learning experience. The involvement of the wider and local communities is an integral part of the school’s purpose. Collaborations with local organisations and businesses provide students with real-world connections and authentic learning opportunities, nurturing their sense of social responsibility and commitment to societal betterment.

What sets St. Andrews International School, Green Valley, apart is its unwavering dedication to sustainability. The school, which recently became one of only 7 schools in Thailand to hold the internationally recognised WWF Green Flag Eco-Schools award, firmly believes that equipping students with an understanding of environmental stewardship is paramount for their future and the well-being of the planet. The Head of School, Charles Grayhurst, gave a great example of this commitment, stating, “At our school, sustainability is not just a concept; it’s a way of life. We integrate sustainability into every aspect of our curriculum, empowering our students to be conscious of their actions and make responsible choices. We strive to instil in them the values of environmental stewardship, so they can become change agents and contribute positively to our world.”

Recent initiatives and events have demonstrated this commitment, with students actively engaging in projects such as plastic reduction drives, the Mangrove Afforestation Project, and Grow to Give. Recent developments on the school site have also included the expansion of the Forest School and the opening of an Outdoor Learning classroom. Through these endeavours, students develop critical thinking, creativity, and compassion, deepening their understanding of the importance of sustainability.

A recent project that has made a profound impact on the school community is the “Grow to Give Project”, led by the dedicated members of the Eco Council in collaboration with a local charitable organisation. They engaged in farm-to-table gardening activities and generously donated a variety of plants and spices to the foundation. These efforts not only fostered sustainable food production but also encouraged students to think outside the box, generating practical solutions that positively impact the school and the broader community.

“Being part of the Cognita family provides St. Andrews International School, Green Valley Thailand with a remarkable advantage. The collaboration and support we receive from a global network of educators, students, and families enable us to share best practices, learn from diverse perspectives, and collectively make a significant impact in education,” shares Mr. Grayhurst. “Together, we inspire and empower our students, equipping them with the skills and knowledge needed to become global citizens who can confidently address the challenges of the 21st century.”